We get too soon old, and too late smart. - American proverb This isn’t another marriage blog. No, I’m doing these posts as I work toward a book for “pre-premarried” people. That means it’s for single people. Single people who would like to be married someday. And why am I writing? Because I can’t talk to all of you. This idea came out of my (and others’) experience working with couples. Couples who are in difficult places in their relationships, sometimes for many years. The frustration, anger, resentment and stress they experience cause major damage to their relationships. Once they were so in love. Now they sit in my office, not even wanting to look at each other. When I’ve finished talking with a couple like that, I’ve sometimes wished for a time machine. That’s actually not as random as it sounds. Now, I’ll admit that I’ve thought having a time machine would be really great long before I was working with couples. There are lots of times in history I’d love to visit. But that’s not what I’m getting at here. I’d wish I could go back years in their relationship and give them some good instruction. Instruction that would help them avoid ever getting to the place they are now. Or even go back before they made this promise to each other and God. I’d like to give them information to help them make better decisions. About who they marry, why they marry, and what they should expect from marriage. Because with that information it’s likely they could avoid much of the hurt they are experiencing. So, until someone gets me a time machine, I’ll keep working on these posts.
1 Comment
10/25/2022 02:33:53 am
Strong what set decade particular owner he.
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October 2021